
4月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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Hope World JHope dropped his first mixtape in March 18 The album takes fans on a journey of selfgrowth and reflection, as his songs dive deep into his thoughts on fame and successJHope turns 26 (27 in Korean Years) today, on February 18, On his birthday, other members of BTS took to social media to send him heartwarming wishesLife and career 1994–12 Early life JHope was born as Jung Hoseok (Korean 정호석) on February 18, 1994, in Gwangju, South Korea, where he lived with his parents and older sisterBefore debuting with BTS, he was part of the underground dance team Neuron and took dance classes at Gwangju Music Academy for six years, from 4th grade to his 1st year in high school, when he signed his My Idols My Idols Birthdaymonthmeme My Idols My Idols Birthday Quotes Funny Birthday Quotes Its My Birthday Month Bts j hope birthday wishes

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